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The Session Planner
Learn how to use the features of the Session Planner and how to build your sessions
Customize your Session Planner layout
Session Planner overview
Save Time with Multi-Block Actions
Time Tracker - Track your session timing
Designing an agenda with inspiration from AI
Create a block in SessionLab
How to use Groups in your sessions
How to delete blocks, groups or rooms
Time calculation, locking blocks and resolving timing issues in your session
How can I set a fixed duration or end time for my session?
Recover deleted blocks, rooms, notes and groups
Manage different time zones in your session
Breakout rooms
Creating notes and adding them to your session
Add and reply to comments from collaborators
Reuse methods from your libraries and previous sessions
Add images to your session blocks
Adding attachments to your session
Adding bullet points and numbered lists to your session plan
Block details to record extra information in your blocks
Keep track of the materials needed to run your session
Task management - keep yourself organized in SessionLab
AI-assisted block generation
Parking lot for ideas and unused blocks
Undo your actions in the Session Planner and manage different versions of your session days
Colored text and highlighting in your sessions
Take collaboration to a new level with Task Management and Tags
Using SessionLab for your instructor-led training program
Optimize your screen space, zoom and block text visibility
How to structure information in your session