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Undo your actions in the Session Planner and manage different versions of your session days
Undo your actions in the Session Planner and manage different versions of your session days

Undo the changes made in your session and track and restore versions of your sessions

Kristina avatar
Written by Kristina
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to undo the changes made in your session:

  • Using the Undo function to go back a few steps in your work and re-do the actions you made,

  • Or using the session versioning to completely restore a previously saved version of your session in order to revert bigger changes.

You can undo your previous actions using a simple keyboard shortcut - Cmd + Z for Mac users or Ctrl + Z for Windows users. Use this keyboard combination until you reach the action you want to undo.

It will allow you to undo actions such as:

  • Replacing the text you had deleted from the session

  • Undoing the deletion of a block within your session, or the action of moving a block

  • Reversing the last changes made to a block title, description, starting times, or any of its details

To redo anything you have undone, you can use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Shift + Z for Mac users or Ctrl + Shift + Z for Windows users.

Limitations of the Undo feature

Here are the limitations to note when using the Undo feature:

  • If you refresh the page or re-open your session plan, the undo and redo commands will no longer be available.

  • You can undo/redo only your actions, not your collaborators'.

  • Actions related to Materials, Attachments, and Assigning collaborators to block are currently not to possible to undo.

  • Currently it is not possible to undo creation/deletion of a Day in a multi-day session.

  • Restoring blocks, groups, Breakout Rooms and notes which were deleted up to 72 hours ago, can still be replaced using the Restore feature

  • Deleted session plans can still be recovered from the Trash up to 30 days since they were deleted.

Saving and restoring versions of your session days

You can effortlessly track and manage different versions of your session days. This feature provides the flexibility to view and restore previous versions, giving you the confidence to experiment and make changes without the fear of losing valuable work.

Here’s how Versioning can improve your workflow:

  • Save Versions: Create and save versions of your session days. Make sure to do this before making significant changes or inviting new collaborators, ensuring you have a version to restore if needed.

  • Restore Versions: Revert your agenda to a previous state if needed.

  • Reuse Versions: Create a brand new session from any saved version if you want to reuse a session plan you previously created.

To use this feature, navigate to the Versions tab in the "Activity & Versions" side panel menu.

Click the New Version button in order to save the current version of your session.

You will be able to name your version and add a description in order to easier track it. Your session versions can later be renamed or removed completely.

If you make further changes to the session after this, but would like to go back to a previous version of your session, you can click the three-dot menu button next to the version name, and in the menu choose to restore to that specific version or create a new day from that version.

Here is a video of the process as well:

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