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Getting Started Guide

In this Getting Started Guide, we’ll cover everything you need to start building sessions and get the most out of SessionLab.

The Session Planner

Learn how to use the features of the Session Planner and how to build your sessions


How to invite collaborators to your sessions, visitor links and real-time collaboration

Multi-day sessions

Create separate days within your session so you can design a session which spans over multiple days

Exporting your sessions - Printouts

Export your session from the session planner in a number of different formats; as a PDF, Word document or as a template


A workspace is where the content you create in SessionLab lives. Learn how to manage your workspaces an their information, delete and recover sessions, and more

Library and templates

Explore SessionLab's library of facilitation methods session templates and find out how to create your own!


Change your account settings and login information and access your invoices

Subscription and Billing

All information you need about the different SessionLab plans and billing questions

Data Privacy and Security

The essentials about how we protect your data at SessionLab